It's often been said that writing is a lonely pursuit for as writers, we need a lot of time alone to put to paper our thoughts, our creative juices. So, yes, it is lonely. But it doesn't need to be all the time. It isn't really.
We are familiar with that famous Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Come to think of it, doesn’t loneliness push us to behave in a way that sometimes compounds more loneliness, writers, artists, or not?
Aside from immediate family, we need that sense of belonging - to a group with common interest, workmates, fellow writers, church mates, neighbours. Yes, a group we call friends for whatever levels of friendship.
Some of my good friends the past years have been my online friends especially from my Mozart groups and some writing groups, few I've been blest to have met in person. Only a handful nowadays come from the Information Technology (IT) world where I belonged for many years. Today, I was blest to have a late afternoon tea with a friend I consider one of my greatest blessings the past 3 years.
The security of knowing we belong to a group, or the loyalty and thoughtfulness of friends, eases us from the seeming loneliness, a sense of feel good. We view and embrace the world with a much better outlook.
If we expect the best or try hard to keep positive thoughts, something wonderful might just happen. Have you ever tried smiling to the first person you meet? It feels good when the other person smiles back, or even better, when the other person is ahead in smiling.
Are you feeling alone? Someone has just upset you? Go for a walk, a drift to the shops, to your favourite book store. Have a hot cup of coffee or tea.
An old song is haunting: 'When life is making you lonely, you can always go --- downtown.
We are familiar with that famous Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Come to think of it, doesn’t loneliness push us to behave in a way that sometimes compounds more loneliness, writers, artists, or not?
Aside from immediate family, we need that sense of belonging - to a group with common interest, workmates, fellow writers, church mates, neighbours. Yes, a group we call friends for whatever levels of friendship.

The security of knowing we belong to a group, or the loyalty and thoughtfulness of friends, eases us from the seeming loneliness, a sense of feel good. We view and embrace the world with a much better outlook.
If we expect the best or try hard to keep positive thoughts, something wonderful might just happen. Have you ever tried smiling to the first person you meet? It feels good when the other person smiles back, or even better, when the other person is ahead in smiling.
Are you feeling alone? Someone has just upset you? Go for a walk, a drift to the shops, to your favourite book store. Have a hot cup of coffee or tea.
An old song is haunting: 'When life is making you lonely, you can always go --- downtown.
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