The word 'patience' has been a challenge where action is spot on.

At one point, our talk drifted to this word 'patience.' A challenge for both of us, we admitted.
Career, relationships or the lack of it, family life, and future angst, they all require patience… and at times, add to these, loneliness and recurring grief, even when we think we have healed.
Life is simply that - full of ups and downs, a roller coaster, bumps and scrapes - emotionally, physically, and to some of us, include spiritually.
But in our search for harmony and peace, we have to keep reminding ourselves that we will never be able to escape life challenges.
We need patience. At times a lot. I love what Anne Morrow Lindbergh said, and I quote,
"Only with winter-patience can we bring the deep desired, long-awaited spring."
How is your patience today? Believe me, I'm trying to do something about mine.