On endurance and strength, inspired by tulips in the snow.

It's spring here in Sydney, although at times we experience the four seasons without snow. On the other side of the hemisphere where other friends live, it is autumn, and perhaps might make more encore after the actual start of winter. Beholding the photo taken by my friend Wim, I wish I'm over where he took it, go out and get snowed on. My mind wanders. In my musings, the cold air seeps through my being while I delightfully witness how the snow clings to the tulips and almost cover some new buds on the trees around.
Tulips, most popular in the Netherlands, don't bend over or resign to the cold. They stand tall against the gusts of winter air, with their bloom, yellow in this photo dusted with snow. Look at the lovely image: they're brave and strong, unresigning to the cold. I love tulips alongside roses and orchids. Spring is the season expected to recover from winter's extreme cold. But winter is not necessarily harsh.
I so admire the fortitude of tulips in the snow, almost in rebellious defiance to the cold winter winds. What endurance and strength amid life's challenges if we let go and let God.
Image credit:
"Tulips in the Snow" by Wim Vingerhoed.
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