I’ve heard that before, they’re just doing their job, right? Please help, my collar pain is re-visiting.
Or people who profess to be our friends yet whose actions are far from caring.
We do need to practice the quieting and containing of ourselves for our own sake, you know, those times when things don’t seem to come together.
We need to just quiet down - even if that something is aversion and hurting the very values we hold on to.
Quieting down can take a while. Even many months. This month I've started cleaning up my Address Book. It feels good. Can't wait to clean-up my Facebook 'friends' who are never friends.
Who said life is a bowl of cherries. It can be, but not always.
To keep peace, we usually put on that ultra-flexibility, that is, not insisting our way, even if we should have. But then, there comes a point when, in the face of other people’s intransigent, unreasonable attitudes, we are challenged. That point when we can still give our piece of mind even if it means a bit of boat-rocking.
Giving one's peace of mind doesn't have to be always verbal. It can be an action signifying "enough is enough."
Sometimes, refusing to back down has its own rewards. It can even mean a breakthrough.
A point in time.
(c) 2018. Tel Asiado. Leaves from my Musings. All rights reserved.
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