Monday, August 10, 2015

A Boost on Confidence

Speaking of this powerful word confidence, many insights on it have been written by self-help authors as well as it has been spoken about by numerous motivational speakers.

Literary writer Anais Nin, famous for her no-holds barred memoirs, comes to mind. She says it beautifully, and I quote to reflect: 

"She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably. 
She lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others. 
She does not dare to be herself." ~ Anais Nin

Nin describes well a woman who lacks self-confidence. How many out there are. The disappointment, the pain, and the constant search how to be accepted, how to belong in the eyes of others, of a society laden with prejudices and status quo.    Sometimes, we waver, still needing the assurance that we are loved, that we are okay, that we'll get there. That's when we need one another for that boost, that gentle kick. Knowing that we understand each other's fears and insecurities, and being there, give that comfort and strength to go on.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A writer's life a lonely life

I'm sharing this lovely poem by J.M. Robertson which I found among my lifelong collections of writing gems. I don't have the exact reference where I got this from but worthy of reflection.

Life can be a journey
With many variations,
A challenge - an adventure,
With changing destinations.

It starts at Optimism,
Then moves along the way,
Passing through Confusion,
Delight, and then Dismay.

There's the all-important question,
That the cross-roads stop entails -
Take the straight and narrow,
Or wander off the rails?

Watch out for the sign-posts,
And study them with care.
Some can lead to Happiness,
Others to Despair.

Though no one knows for certain
What lies around the bend,
Always travel hopefully
Until the journey's end.

A writer's life can be lonely.  If you are one and truly passionate about writing especially creative writing, hang in there for those long nights or early dawns. Keep going my friend. Some endeavours need to be done alone.