So what do you do when motivation blues strike? Motivation is a broad topic. Out there we read heaps about motivation. Writers write about it. Life coaches pump us up with it. Motivational speakers talk about it. Even well-meaning religious friends can overwhelm at times with rebuttal of biblical verses.
If we don't lose sight of our dreams, our goals, then shouldn't this be enough to motivate us? This - despite all sorts of challenges stretching us in all directions, difficult situations and difficult people who seem to block our path consciously or unconsciously. We need to be realistic especially in times when our dreams seem too impossible to achieve.
If you ever experience this 'motivation blue' ~ start by taking a deep breath.
I try not to get overwhelmed by the piles of things needing to be done, tackle them one at a time, and in smaller chunks of to-dos. It's always good to remind ourselves, and each other.
Touch base with a friend or two we can relate to. Ask them what they are up to. Let's hope that their effect on us motivates and encourages rather than the other way around.
Tidy up, declutter at least obvious clutters around you. This one task, I tend to do a lot. As a writer, I have piles of drafts all over, a dozen open books for references, etc. Although, I know too - some writers thrive on mess around them because they say they can think better with clutter as is. So they say.
You can always read inspirational books, success stories, and biographies of people influential in your life.
Be creative. Think of your favourite things and react on it. I usually listen to Mozart andantes, adagios, violin sonatas. Lately, I've been more inspired listening to the French version of "If I Only Have Time" popularised by John Rowles in English. French song is sung by Michel Sardou. Or you can listen to other easy listening pieces of your choice. If you play an instrument, better still. Play something and give your soul to it, con mucho gusto.
Intrinsic motivation must be present if we are to do our best.