Anxieties can blow life away. It's easy to overlook what the day offers when swamped by day to day stresses. And more, get distracted. Proper perspective helps. Though we plan for the morrow, we need appreciate and enjoy today's blessings.
What important things that really matter do you need to do that you've been been putting off, simply because you think you're too busy to do? Actor and writer Sid Caesar reminds us: "In between goals is a thing called life that has to be lived and enjoyed."
The good old saying is always handy, "Laughter is the best medicine." At least we can try... it's a great absorber for life's rut and bumps and a happy heart makes our face cheerful. There's something else about seasonality.
Poet John Keats once said: "There are four seasons in the mind of man." Besides, if it's winter in America, it's summer in Australia. It's always a challenge to start anything, but once we get going, the process becomes smooth. What's the 'season' in your life now?
Start your day with a smile to put back some energy into your life. Perhaps, encourage a dying ember. As a child, I've always loved sparklers. I found them more exciting than fireworks which come off stronger and more aggressive.
If memory doesn't fail me, just days after New Year about 5 years ago, I was invited to a friend's house and found that she had two lovely calendars displayed side by side. You know, the kind that display one page for each day, with a date in a large figure and few lines of print at the bottom.
I was being polite so I didn't say anything why she has two calendars together. My glances did not escape my smart friend. She of course smiled and said, "You're probably wondering why I have two of them. Have a closer look again, Tel. They're not the same."
True enough. I found out that the first calendar had "A Joke for Today" and the other "A Quote for the Day." A smile and a quote of encouragement.
What a lovely way to start a day!