Friday, March 29, 2013

The need to rest our pens

As writers, we have our moments of blues, sometimes with a reason, other times, who knows.

When this happens, it's good to stop, take a deep breath, and cool it for a while. Have a rest, whatever you are beating to write. By doing so, we give ourselves some time to reflect on why we are feeling the way we are. Actually, I'm insisting on myself; despite not feeling too well. I've been trying to multi-task the past few days - overwhelmed with many to-dos.

Are you overworked, feeling let down, falling behind with deadlines, coping with problem children, feeling alone, disappointed, other reasons... or probably, you can't even explain why the blues?

What to do? First, stay away from your work station. No writing. I'm doing just that in a minute. Logoff. I'm simply going to drift, visit the DVD bar, have a cup of coffee and a slice of my favourite cake, before proceeding to my local book shops.

And later?  Listen to a favourite music, do Sudoku, tinker with the piano, really, endless worthy things to keep away from feeling out of tune.

What about you?

Feeling like having a good cry? By all means, do! And it's asexual. Men cry too, why not!

We need to give ourselves that needed timeout, that needed rest from mental, physical or emotional depletion. Often, we get so wrapped up with all our daily cares, loads of to-dos, suppressed grief, that we forget we are human with limitations.

Somehow, our muse will give a nudge when the pen is ready to flow again.